HPC Blog

Slouching will lead to many problems, the thoracic spine extension roll will undo slouching and restore postural health

Slouching Sucks

Extend the spine after chronic sitting and slouching

When we sit, we slouch.  Slouching is the beginning of a long list of not-so-fun things.  Disc damage, degeneration, shoulder tears, and pinched nerves are just a few of the things that await us in “Slouch-ville.”

Well then, it’s important for us to stay out of that town or to rid our system of its filth!  The thoracic spine extension roll with a chest opening focus is just the ticket.  Use it to keep you upright, reduce your risk for injury, and to simply look better!

Good Luck and #keepmoving


The psoas is chronically short compressing the spine

Psoas Got You Down?

Tight Psoas muscles compress and degenerate the lumbar spine.

I’d love to say that this muscle has a weird spelling but that it is otherwise harmless as the body’s main hip flexor.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  Due to chronic sitting, slouching, and rounding it is common to find patients with extremely tight hip flexors.

This wouldn’t be a problem if the attachments where like other muscles, going from one fixed bone to another.  Nope, the psoas has to be complicated, traveling from each of the 5 lumbar spine vertebra traveling to the high and inside portion of the femur.  And to make matters worse it lives under the abdomen and GI tract.  Long story short, it is a complicated and concealed muscle.

Not to worry though, we have a solution for your tight hip flexors.  Enjoy this video and pay attention to the subtleties of the setup.  You won’t feel much until you get everything right… then you feel everything!

Good Luck and #keepmoving,


Old Plank, New Focus

It’s not just the abs!

The front plank is much more than just the abs.  Realistically, its the abs, obliques, glutes, lats, lower traps, hamstrings, quads, and probably some other stuff.  So, pretty much everything.

Unfortunately, many of us miss everything besides the abs and lose the opportunity to integrate and stabilize our core.  This video will help you understand how to improve your plank and increase your core stability.  Both will increase the chance of you living a happy, long, and pain-free existence.

Good Luck and #keepmoving,


Doctor in Pain

Today, we highlight the story of a healthcare provider needing a little help of her own.

From struggling with pain and the stress of making life and death decisions to getting back on track and saving lives, this story discusses how pain affects much more than how you feel… enjoy!

Good Luck and #keepmoving,
