An Annoyingly Simple Fix to Knee Pain

Glute-Ham Activations – An often forgotten component to resolving knee issues.

Knee pain can be scary. In many cases, it is so severe that the patient thinks there must be something structurally wrong with the joint. There must be severe arthritis, meniscus tears, or ligament damage. The pain is so bad that something must be broken!

99 times out of 100, it is simply an inflammatory condition that gets so bad it incapacitates at the same level as a severe tissue damage.

What makes this even more frustrating is that many patients are doing the right things:

  1. Modifying exercises
  2. Mashing out Quads
  3. Mobilizing Quads
  4. Using compression sleeves/wraps/bands
  5. Building ability to front and lateral lunge
  6. Praying to the Knee gods for salvations

However, until the Glute-Ham Activation is applied to the equation, most will struggle with making improvements.

I struggled with Patellar Tendinitis for a good 9 months, before I broke down and started doing what I tell my patients to do (I know, right?… Doctors are the worst patients).

When I injected the GHA progression into my prep and recovery I started making fast and stable improvements to the point where I still lift heavy, run fast, jump high, and do it all “NAKED”.

Slow down, I do have clothes on, but I don’t wear any belts, braces, sleeves, tape, inserts, balms, bands, or magical potions. I just own the improvements and express them daily… kinda the idea, right?

Hope this helps you and if you need more guidance don’t hesitate to look me up on the “Get Started” page.

Good luck and #keepmoving


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