Doc-cast 6: The Magic is in the Movement

Doc-cast 6 – The Magic is in the Movement from Jared Vananne on Vimeo.


Use it or lose it!

We all know this saying, but do we truly apply it to our body?

We know that it is important to stimulate our brain with critical thinking and problem solving skills to keep things sharp and avoid the cascade of premature degenerative change.  We all know that we must get physical exercise to stimulate our muscles and joints for the purpose of maintaining physical viability and slowing the rate of joint and tissue degeneration.

But do we realize that it isn’t “if” we move, but “how” we move that gets us results.

Think about it.  Jogging is technically movement, but it is chronic and repetitive short range of motion in a sequential pattern that is actually quite difficult to master with respect to technical proficiency.  I guess that’s why 70-90% of runners end up with premature overuse injuries.  It’s not because running is bad.  Quite the contrary, it is because we are bad at doing it correctly.

Much the same we have a tendency to believe that squats and deadlifts are bad for us.  Yet, they are full range of motion exercises that elicit more wide-spread, full-system muscle contraction than any other exercise.  That is, of course, if we do them well.

Pushups and pullups are generally thrown to the side because they are hard, we don’t want to fight the struggle-bus to progress them, or they just plain hurt.  But the same hold true for these movements.  They roughly accomplish for the upper body what the squat and deadlift do for the lower body.

Long story short… running, squatting, deadlifting, pushing, and pulling are all critical aspects of our physical existence.  We will either use them or lose them.

That sounds simple enough right?

Well, there’s a catch – It’s not if we do them, it is how we do them that elicits success or failure.

Health & Performance Center has spent the better part of the last decade creatively filtering these fundamental concepts into our patient treatments to not only “make boo-boo’s go away” but to ensure that our patients understand the mechanics of their body so they may solidify and progress their achievements over long periods of time.  We focus on helping patients “own” results instead of just having a “fleeting experience”.

Enjoy this doc-cast and always remember… #keepmoving and #keepunderstanding


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